Saturday, May 31, 2008

Creep... How fitting!

Been a fan of the man in purple for a long while. Like his music and songs.. He covered Radiohead's Creep at Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, Calif., which is pretty cool. But today I digg up this tidbit regarding how the Purple Princess Himself had YouTube take down postings of the performance due to copyright infringement. Who owns the copyright?? The writer of the song or the performer? Did he pay his performance fee to Radiohead for performing the song? Anyways here it is. Little shaky camera work but hey you get bumped around at a concert!

So who is the creep now?


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weezer loves the Internet

Here is Weezer's new video posted on YouTube. It stars a bunch of YouTube Stars, from Miss South Carolina to Evolution of Dance Man..

Friday, May 23, 2008

Elite School for the Elite..

Little bit of old news, but putting it out there:

Have CNN's RSS feed on my Firefox Bookmark Toolbar. I check it and click news items way to much during the day. They will post commentary articles from their writers, and one of them is Glenn Beck. I don't follow Mr. Beck at that much, only what may pop up on the RSS Feed. He wrote a column entitled "Tax-free hypocrisy from Higher education" in which he described the fact that some of our "elite" colleges and universities have multi-billion dollar endowments, yet pay NO tax on them. My point isn't about the taxes, but the fact that these schools have some of the highest tuitions in the USA and possibly the world!

Many of Mr. Becks points reflect that of Mr. Gregg Easterbrook, of and The Republic, how these ginormous endowments could be used to allow gifted students of less than "elite" finacial background to attend their schools for free! Why don't they?

Sometimes I think it is all about a buzz word of the current campaigns, Elitism. If a school has a high tuition, it will keep those who possibly could get in to look elsewhere. How many students apply to Ivy League schools knowing they have the goods to be accepted but know full well that will not be attending due to financial reasons? My guess is not too many, unless they are so high on the brain goods that a scholarship could be warranted.

If these middle or lower class students are left out of an Elite Institution of Higher Education then they will not be awarded the one advantage of attending such an institution, being one of the select few to attend, and the connections to those who have already attended. The money stays in contact with the money, the power stays with the power. It makes it difficult for the new blood to rise. Not impossible but difficult.

I say free up the tuition and room and board for those schools that require on campus living. The applicant pool will grow, but the quality of students will too. Those that appreciate the education recieved will give back what the cost was many times over.

Political Ramblings...

I love all the back and forth between Democrats and Republicans. When might they realize they are almost pushing for the same thing!

Democrats: Want Big Government, lots of programs, big spending, taxes to pay for it. But taxes don't cover how much the governent wants to spend so we put it on credit.

Republicans: Want Little Government (socially), BUT big spending on defense. Which becomes their lots of programs. This money goes to the governement contractors, which is supposed to trickle down to all those who are not involved with these contracts. Don't raise taxes, yet still spend too much and again everything goes on credit!

Either Way we are in DEBT! I think one of those Debt Solutions companies we see commercials for on TV should be in charge of the budget.


Follow this one if you will.

Again, Dems want a big government, that pushes almost a socialist agenda. Everybody works for the greater good. I don't see much wrong with that philosophy really. Sure would everyone would like to help their fellow country men, in theory. Then we think about why should I be helping the bum who doesn't want to work get his health care and schooling and all that jazz huh? And with the socialist agenda, those who control how the money is spent are on a power trip as if one day they don't want something then its gone.

The Reps will do something different. Yes their motives follow more independent capitalistic role, interms of money. Again great! Land of opportunity, work hard, make money have a finacially sucessful life; BUT their conservatism says they want to punish those who don't want to follow the moral fiber of those in power. Thus throwing them in jail.

More people are thrown in jail for breaking laws that fall more on the controversial moral aspects of a society. I am all for morals. There are not enough shown in the world today. The incarceration of all the criminals falls right into the hands of the socialists. Joe Smith tax payer pays for the damn bums. They get food, housing, education and health care from the government. And again its the power making it happen.

-- I don't have a solution. Yet. And even if I did, then it will take a lot of work to push it through all the minds of America to get it done.

--Disclaimer-- I know its over simplified.